The best-performing stocks on the market are often highly visible as brands. But selecting great opportunities to invest in is a blended matter that isn’t as simple as a strict reading of market cap, P/E ratio, and other metrics.

Keeping track of ongoing performance is an exercise in comprehensive research. This can be a daunting task for those who are new to the market and all the leg work that must naturally go into smart investments and trade management throughout the lifetime of a portfolio. However, there are some great resources out there that can make these tasks much simpler. FinanceCharts is a unique asset that many investors rely on for daily consultation. The Finance Charts site offers historical datasets and financial charts ranging over a 20-year period for virtually all brands. With their specialized metrics and sorting options, categorizing investment opportunities based on sector, earnings, and other markers is simple and can improve the speed at which you investigate companies and opportunities to trade.

A resource as versatile as this is crucial for an investor to maintain a smart approach to the market. Keep reading to find out why.

Investment research is essential when making stock picks of any kind.


Investors know that research helps when looking to make any move in the marketplace. But what many people don’t realize about research products is the absolute necessity of expansive, data-driven understanding and comprehensive research. Some of the most successful investors in the world won’t make a move until they’ve read virtually everything there is to see on a market segment, company, or new measurement statistic that can help provide better clarity on a topic or company worth. Reading and core research tasks dominate their thinking when it comes to new and evolving investments, and for good reason.

The best stock opportunities will be different for each individual investor.


The truth about the market is that no two investors will approach the market in the same way. Investments come in an unlimited number of configurations, and every trader will hold their own priorities, goals, and strategies for making these ends happen.

One thing that a majority of investors maintain, though, is the utility of large and highly profitable corporations. Companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook (now Meta) offer blended opportunities for growth across the technology sector. These brands are ingrained into the world we live in, and they are often blessed with fast growth over the short term. Large companies provide great dividends in many cases, and they can help create a portfolio of assets that perform well over the long term. Building a strategy that utilizes stocks with large market shares and those that are positioned to continue dominating their sector in the coming years and decades is a great approach for every trader. With the help of great research products, collecting a list of high-performance assets and tracking their continuous movement in the pricing charts is simple and can help you swoop in for new purchase opportunities when price dips inevitably occur.

Building an investment strategy that works for you is all about understanding your own needs and interests. Some investors base many of their moves on sustainability and social responsibility (SRI funds and similar listings). Businesses are working constantly toward greater environmental and social sustainability, and investors who prioritize these elements of business are finding a streamlined process of evaluating these kinds of brands.

The largest companies in the world have largely adopted efforts to boost sustainability and social responsibility alongside the obvious pattern of building upon financial success and other economic indicators.

Utilize these approaches for the best experience in the stock market.